

XEOMIN is a botulinum toxin that is used to treat adults with cervical dystonia and blepharospasm. It has been used around the world since 2005 and was introduced to the US market in 2010 by Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.


XEOMIN is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used:

  • To treat adults with cervical dystonia to decrease the severity of abnormal head position and neck pain
  • To treat abnormal spasm of the eyelids (blepharospasm) in adults who have had prior treatment with onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®)

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i expect during treatment?

During treatment, which usually takes about 10-20 minutes, your doctor will inject XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxinA) for injection, for intramuscular use, into the muscles in your forehead that cause frown lines between your brows. No anesthesia is required; however, your physician may use a topical anesthetic or cold pack to reduce any discomfort.

What can i expect to see results?

In clinical trials, some patients observed visible smoothing as early as 3-4 days after injection. The median first onset of effect was less than a week. The maximum effect occurred at 30 days. The typical duration of effect was up to 3 months in clinical trials but may last significantly longer or shorter in individual patients.

What is botulinum toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a naturally occurring protein produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin type A—the active ingredient in XEOMIN—is produced commercially from C. botulinum serotype A

How does XEOMIN work?

XEOMIN is injected into muscles to decrease their activity. XEOMIN blocks the release of a chemical messenger—acetylcholine—that conveys the signal from nerve terminals and causes muscle fibers to contract. Not all terminals are affected by botulinum toxin, so the muscles can still contract, just less forcefully. This allows the muscles to contract more normally.

Are all botulinum toxin products the same?

Not all botulinum toxin products are the same. This is reflected in the unique names for each product. The dose of XEOMIN may be different from other botulinum toxin products.

How is XEOMIN made?

In nature, C. botulinum produces the toxin in association with accessory proteins (toxin complex). Merz takes the toxin complex and employs a proprietary manufacturing process that isolates the therapeutic component and removes the accessory proteins to produce XEOMIN.